McCoy References

Reference Books

"McCoy Pottery, Collectors Reference and Value Guide"
by Hanson/Nissen/Hanson.

"McCoy Pottery, Collectors Reference and Value Guide, Vol. 2"
by Hanson/Nissen/Hanson, (contains complete cookie jar section).

"McCoy Pottery, Collectors Reference and Value Guide, Vol. 3"
by Hanson/Nissen/Hanson, (contains complete Floraline section).

"Sanfords Guide to McCoy Pottery, A Collector's Guide"
by Martha and Steve Sanford.

"McCoy Pottery Wall Pockets & Decorations, Identification & Values"
by Craig Nissen. New publication!
(Click here for my review).

Old Advertisements

El Rancho Magazine Ad

Stonecraft Magazine Ad (front and back)

Below: In 1947 Clark Gum ran advertisements challenging the reader to test his good taste. The McCoy Swan Vase was among items to compare. Clark made the mistake of referring to the Swan Vase as a "horror, cheap and impermanent in design". An out-of-court settlement was reached when McCoy filed suit against Clark.

Below: This cookbook cover shows the McCoy DOM mugs. D.O.M. stands for "Deo Optimo Maximo" and is the name of a Benedictine Liqueur that is made in France.

This clipping from an old magazine shows a scene at the Fair called "The Game Of Chance" - Folks would toss their dimes and if one hit a target, they would win the item. This display shows many pieces of McCoy Pottery, most notably, the peacock wall shelf turned upside down in the center. Various McCoy and other pottery vases and planters are shown.

The Pottery Hawker. Hauling pottery by the truckload. He's in business as soon as he unloads his wares. Each piece is 25 cents.

In 1981, McCoy made The Dairy Heritage Cannister Set as sales premiums for TUCO, the Agrinomical division of The Upjohn Co. A prototype was made with four different scenes depicting old time dairy farming and had scenes on two sides. However, the production run only had one scene per piece.

The Pottery Hawker. Hauling pottery by the truckload. He's in business as soon as he unloads his wares. Each piece is 25 cents.

In 1981, McCoy made The Dairy Heritage Cannister Set as sales premiums for TUCO, the Agrinomical division of The Upjohn Co. A prototype was made with four different scenes depicting old time dairy farming and had scenes on two sides. However, the production run only had one scene per piece.