Flower Pots

Unusual pink vase

McCoy flower form vases are among the most beautiful in existance, with smooth graceful lines and gorgeous colors.

These examples display the same warmth and quality of similar pieces made by Weller or Roseville.

Right: Single Lily Vase Flower Form - 1950's Vintage.

Poppy Vase - Pink - 1955
Hard to find.
Low double Tulip Vase - 1953
Shown with gold.

Hyacinth Flower Form Vases - 1950
Poppy Vases in Yellow - Flower Form
Highly sought after, 1950's


Educate yourself. Buy the reference book of your choice and really study it.

Notice the colors, shapes and designs. You'll soon be able to identify McCoy by sight.

Chrysanthum Vase
Referred to as Mums 1950