McCoy Pottery Collectors Society 2003 Reunion

I woke up to a clear day after my 400 mile trip to Ohio and was as anxious to see my old friends as a kid on Christmas Day.

My arrival had been late Saturday afternoon, so I was able to do some visiting that night.  Sunday, even more of the McCoy Collectors group would be arriving and I just couldn't wait!

At The Banquet

This was the 16th Annual Reunion of McCoy Pottery Collectors during Pottery Week in Zanesville, Ohio - "Western Theme". McCoy event dates: Registration on the 6th, our private auction, July 15, our Banquet, July l0th...Koehler auctions on July 7th and 10th. Local events cover the entire week from July 4th through July 12th.

How it all started: From a mention in the OMM newsletter (Our McCoy Matters) in 1988, twelve McCoy collectors made plans to visit the Pottery Festival in Zanesville, Ohio. We stayed in one hotel and shared pictures of our collections, talk of finds and made lasting friendships.

The Originals

These 12 were: Left to right, front row: Bob and Dot MacIntyre, Joanne Lindberg, Jean and Lyn Bushnell, Dewey and Quita Prestwood, back row: Gil and Jean Burmester, Glenn Lindberg, George Williams, Jan Wilsone.

During the days we were out hunting our beloved McCoy and occasionally we ran into each other at different sites. The most notable meeting during the day was seeing George Williams at the Ohio Ceramic Center with his find of the year. He'd stumbled upon the Rare Leprechaun cookie jar at a yard sale for 10.00. Jean and I suffered in amazement.

The evenings were spent visiting each other's rooms, again comparing notes on finds and where to look for what. Billie and Nelson McCoy graciously met with the group and made the trip memorable for everyone. This was only the beginning of the annual trek in July to Zanesville for Pottery Festival for us. Each year the group has grown in number.

During Pottery Week of 2002 we decided to incorporate and became The "McCoy Pottery Collectors Society" to insure that the group continues for years to come. 2003 was no exception…This was the best reunion ever. As you can see by the photos below, a great time was had by all - and we can hardly wait until next year!

McCoy display at the Ohio Ceramic Center.
These items are from Billie McCoy's personal collection.

Nelson & Billie

Our Dear Friends

Bob & Dot MacIntyre

John & Colleen Vorisek

Nancy and Roy Demory

Bill Ornstein and Mal Anderson

Quita & Frank Heller (Artist)

Don and Becky Snyder

Registration Area

Quita & Frank Poolas (MPCS Pres.)

Members of the James Gang - Best Costumes

Left to right: Tony Harrington, Quita, Glenn Lindberg, Ed Alexander

Below: Koehler's Lindberg Auction during Pottery Week - & A Few Misc. Photos

Left: Auctioneer Jeff Koehler

Look what I found
at the Festival!

A Rare McCoy Bucaneer Mug

MPCS Private Auction

Below: "experimental mobiles" designed by Billie McCoy, however, they did not go into production. She said they were too heavy and clunky to be wind they became mobiles!

Room Sales

Koehler Real Estate and Auction Co. Zanesville Ohio - Auctions